Saturday, February 24, 2007

Technical newsflash for my blogging buddies!!!

One of the features that I've found myself missing repeatedly during my blogging adventures (my latest was that debachle of a posting a couple of days ago) where I repeatedly found myself WISHING for the ability to create a TABLE within the blog posting, to make the text behave itself, and retain the PRETTY tabular layout that I painstakingly attempted to create with some VERY creative space-bar work...only to have it turn out as YUCKY (technical term) as it did...

Our good friends at Google have GRACIOUSLY released yet ANOTHER killer-app for the web, by releasing Google Docs and Spreadsheets...

Now we are FREED of the tyranny of free-form, floating text that WON'T behave, by creating tables in Google Docs, and adding text or images to the tables, and then they've made it a piece of cake to post over here at


Nevermore will you have to read ugly, messy postings......just poorly constructed ones, with random thoughts....

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