Friday, March 02, 2007

In memoriam - Kess "The Goose" Williams - 1995-2007

I got some sad news yesterday morning...

Kess "The Goose" Williams, beloved companion of Kristin "Golfchick" Williams had passed away...

Now, I've never actually met Kristin or Kess in person, but thanks to the miracle of our respective passion for golf and the sense of community that can be developed via our blogs and internet technology, I've come to consider the two of them as friends, and my heart broke at the news....

"The Kessmeister" (as I frequently referred to her in my e-mails to Kristin) is a beautiful Great Dane, and she and Kristin shared a very special relationship, chronicled here and here.

Kristin and I have shared information about vets and treatments and other "pet-parent" topics via e-mail over the last few months (since we're sorta neighbors)...and tonight I shed more than a tear or two and have an empty feeling inside...

Like I said, I never got to meet Kess in person, but over time I felt like I got to know her from Kristin's descriptions...just one look at those eyes in all the pictures, and you just knew that she was a total sweetie...she's a beautiful pup...

As I recently lost a beloved companion of my own, I think I can empathize with Kristin tonight...and you have my sincere and deepest sympathies, Kristin...hearing this sad news kinda re-opened the hurt and sense of loss that I recently experienced, and to be perfectly honest, it sucks....

We have to focus on the JOY and the LOVE that we have shared with our dogs for so many years, and give thanks that our lives were enriched SO deeply by having those HAPPY memories for the rest of our lives...

There could never be enough of them though, and that's where the hurt happens and that sinking feeling hit
s and the tears come...been there, done after six months have gone by...

To commemorate and CELEBRATE Kess' life and the obvious joy that she brought into Kristin's life, the best tribute that I could think of was to design an Artan in her honor and memory, and try to help OTHER dogs in the process. It is intended to celebrate the special bond that Kristin and Kess shared via the bond that Kristin and I share through our respective golf blogs AND our love of golf, a great game that brings people (and dogs) together...

I'm honored and touched that golf has introduced me to Kess and Kristin, and my deepest and heartfelt sympathies and condolences go out to you, Kristin....

Without any further is the "Kess" Artan, which is derived from the MacKessock tartan design...
Rest in peace and Godspeed, Kessie - you will be missed....

In Kess' memory and honor, and to help other "fur-people" that are dealing with health challenges, I have updated the charity tartans section to include the MacKessock tartan, and I will contribute 12% (one for each year of Kess' life) of the net proceeds of each MacKessock Artan(TM) sold to the UC Davis Center for Companion Animal Health fund. We'll honor Kess by doing that, and help OTHER dogs and companion animals that need veterinary care, while providing the funding and research resources that will advance veterinary medicine for future generations...


Patricia Hannigan said...

It's amazing how quickly Kess became a part of the golf bloggin experience for us. She'll be very much missed. The Kess Artan is a beautiful tribute to the happiness she brought to Kristen and so many others.

Golfchick said...

I don't know what to say.

Thank you, Scott.